Monday 22 August 2016

Buy Bone Health Products

Bone Health

Bones play many roles in the body, they provide structure, protect our organs and store calcium. Therefore its important you take steps to protect bone health. Our range of bone health supplements contains premium minerals and vitamins to support the maintenance of normal bones.
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Your bones are continually being remodelled. Old, worn-out bone is reabsorbed and new bone is laid down. Many different nutrients are needed to optimise bone mineral density, which is an important measure of bone strength.
Calcium: Your body contains around 1.2kg of calcium - 99% of which is stored in your skeleton. If calcium intake is low, it is quickly leached out of your bones, so a good calcium intake throughout life is therefore important in order to achieve a high peak bone mass and protect against future osteoporosis.
Vitamin D: Vitamin D is essential for the body to be able to absorb calcium. It also stimulates the production of new bone matrix proteins and the mineralisation of bone. Vitamin D can be made in the body by the action of sunlight on the skin, but production is significantly reduced during winter months, particularly in the UK. Taking vitamin D with calcium supplements can prevent the seasonal changes in bone turnover and bone loss seen in healthy adults, which are believed to contribute to osteoporosis risk. Supplements supplying natural vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) are 20%-40% more effective in maintaining blood vitamin D levels than the synthetic form, vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol).
Magnesium: Bone contains a complex mixture of calcium and magnesium. Low intakes of magnesium are associated with reduced bone formation, increased bone reabsorption and appear to contribute to increased risk of bone fracture. A good magnesium intake from food and supplements helps to contribute towards increased bone strength.
Zinc: Zinc is needed for normal growth and development of all tissues, including bone. It appears to stimulate the activity of bone building cells (osteoblasts) and to suppress the activity of cells that break down bone (osteoclasts).
Boron: Boron is an ultratrace mineral (meaning it’s needed in very tiny amounts) that interacts with calcium, magnesium and vitamin D to improve bone strength. Its beneficial effects are even greater where intakes of vitamin D and magnesium are low. In post-menopausal women, boron supplements can reduce calcium and magnesium loss and increase blood levels of hormones such as beta-oestradiol, which have a bone building action to reduce calcium loss and bone thinning.
Vitamin K: Vitamin K is used for the activation of proteins (eg osteocalcin) that attract and bind calcium within bones. Lack of vitamin K is associated with low bone mineralisation and increased risk of fracture, while supplementation can improve bone mineral density.
Vitamin C: Vitamin C stimulates formation of bone matrix proteins such as collagen. Isoflavones have an oestrogen-like action that stimulates new bone formation and reduces bone-loss during menopause women.